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The Individual in the Labour Market Reading Group
Read more at: History of the ILMrg

History of the ILMrg

The ILM group has its origins in landmark research conducted within the Department of Applied Economics at Cambridge in the 1960s and 1970s...

Read more at: Who's involved

Who's involved

Meet the ILMers! Here you will find a list of this year's coordinators, members, associated scholars and more.

Read more at: What we have been reading...

What we have been reading...

A full record of the articles and publications that we have been discussing in our fortnightly meetings.

Read more at: Invited speakers

Invited speakers

Twice a year the ILM invites speakers to present their latest research on work and employment.

Read more at: Socials


Because many good discussions can be continued over a pint of beer, after watching a film, or while punting down the river...

Read more at: Southwold Reading Retreats

Southwold Reading Retreats

The ILMrg holds an annual reading retreat in Southwold, Suffolk. Don't miss out on the next one!

Welcome to the ILM Website


We are an interdisciplinary research support group which has been established by members of the Department of Sociology and also attracts students, postdocs and teaching staff from anthropology, psychology, management, human geography, law, politics and economics. Our intention is to create links between those who have similar research interests across subject areas such as: the sociology of work; industrial relations; labour market inequalities; employment and social class; non-employment and the future of work; digital work and the effects of AI; the transition into work from unemployment and non-employment, and through government active labour market programmes (ALMPs); job insecurity, work intensification and work-related well-being; and job quality among others. 

The ILM group meets on a fortnightly basis during term time to discuss around recent publications or classical works in the sociology of work and social class over tea and snacks. We provide opportunities for our members to obtain feedback on their own work in progress, whether in the form of a publication or conference presentation. Once or twice a year, external speakers are also invited to present their research during special ILM sessions. In addition, a number of social activities are held during the year to encourage the exchange of ideas and the formation of friendships in a more casual setting.



Read the latest ILM blog by Shuting Xia: Experience of Virtual ILM

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